
Harrington Opera House Society - Preserving Our HeritageHARRINGTON OPERA HOUSE SOCIETY
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The Harrington Opera House Society (HOHS) would like to thank ALL for continued support of the rehabilitation of the historic Harrington Opera House as a venue to provide events and activities for our community. We are reviewing potential performers & presenters and welcome suggestions for events and activities you would like to see in the future at the Harrington Opera House.
For events scheduled so for, go to Upcoming Events

* * * * * * * * *

     More volunteers & members ARE URGENTLY NEEDED
for the Harrington Opera House Society to continue providing events, learning opportunities, and necessary upkeep & upgrades to the historic 1904 Bank Block Building and the recently acquired annex building.  Could we call on you for:

  • Simple occasional tasks (like making cookies, or moving chairs, or event hosting tasks, cleaning, etc.)
  • Technical or skilled tasks (stage tech i.e. sound, lights; or carpentry or building systems management.)
  • Longer term roles (like planning or administrative or promotion & marketing.)

 If you would like to see continued or more activities at the Harrington Opera House, please consider asking how you can help – even if you have only an occasional hour or two in a year. Many hands make more things possible! 
Questions?  Call Carol at 509-253-4748 or email

* * * * * * * * *

HOHS Business Meeting
Monday, April 7, 2025
4:00 PM
In the Lobby or Art Room

Agenda from March 3, 2025

Questions, agenda Items, committee report submissions?
Feel free to call or email Carol @ Five 0 Nine Two 5 Three 4748 or pilgram (at) odessaoffice (dot) com.

ALL Welcome!!
Meetings are open to the public!
Anyone is welcome to attend meetings and provide input!

Event Suggestion Form
Please use this form to reccomend or request a potential performance or presentation event.

Download for "fillable" version or print blank form to complete by hand.

Misc. Meeting and Membership Info


(Refresh your browser to see latest)

HOHS Business Meetings - 1st Monday each month at 4:00 PM

By attending our events, you consent to any photographs and video footage that may be taken for promotional purposes.
If you have any concerns about this, please visit with the event coordinator on the day of the event. Thank you.

Beginning Mountain Dulcimer Lesson Series
Filled and is underway!
A list is started for a repeat of the series in the summer or fall.
Easy to learn with no music experience.
Experienced musicians can add a new instrument to their skills!

If your are interested in the next lesson series contact:
      Karen Robertson
509) 590 nine28seven
       robertsonkaren54 (at) gmail(dot)com
More Info
*Partial Scholarships and dulcimers available for rent for the class..

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Movie "THE WAY", starring Martin Sheen
Sunday, March 30, 2025 - @ 2:00 PM

The 2 hour movie is a story of the Camino de Santiago ( or the way of St James ), the   famous pilgrimage route in Spain that leads to the tomb of St. James the Apostle in Santiago de Compostela.

Ellen Evans, from Davenport,  has walked the Camino twice and will answer questions about her travels, the reason she walked the Camino and which routes she took.
FREE admitance.  Refreshments will be served during intermission.

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Kevin Hekmatpanah & Yoon-Wha Roh
Return to the HOHS!

Virtuoso Music for Cello & Piano
Sunday, April 6, 2025 - @ 3:00 PM

Kevin Hekmatpanah Yoon-Wha Roh

Kevin is Professor of Music and the Director of the Gonzaga Symphony Orchestra and Yoon-Wha is a Piano Professor at WSU.
Program will feature works by Boccherini, Schubert, Chopin and Rachmaninoff. Attendance will be by donation.
Image of Poster

Watch this space for MORE Events in 2025!

Please return to this page or our Facebook Page for updates about our 2025 Season.

Click here to go to Past Events

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Potential Future Events

Against the Grain Band

Channeled Scablands Presentation

Other possibilities? "Coffee-House Evenings at the Opera House", Open Mic nights, Talent Show and more. Email us at info (at) harringtonoperahouse (dot) org (insert symbols & remove spaces) to suggest events or performances you would come to see!
Are you a performer/presenter?
Do you have an event recommendation?
Please use this "Event Suggestion Form" !

Outside entities also rent the space to hold private, public, or communitiy service events at the Harrington Opera House.
Contact Carol at 509-253-4748

Watch this space for future events at the Harrington Opera House!

Scroll down for Past Events of previous performances & activities.


Annual Newsletter - February, 2024

April 2023

The south side of the Harrington Opera House & Bank Block building has had a "facelift"!
Diamond Construction metal sheathed the wood around the upper windows and D.R. Integrity Painting LLC did an outstanding job of replacing the wood panels and painting the ground floor exterior woodwork.
Coming soon will be reinforcement of the south wall and brick pointing.

February 2023 Annual Newsletter

Help us plan our 2025 HOHS Events Calendar!

What events or activities would you like to see or do at the Harrington Opera House?
Click here for an HOHS Event Suggestion Form!

Membership Dues
Membership dollars help with operating expenses, fund-raising, and bringing entertaining and educational events to the Opera House. Membership year is January 1st. to December 31st. Membership support accepted at anytime! Support Form

Click Here for News Archives

Including video of Grand Piano arrival!


Harrington Hometown Christmas Santa Visits
And HOHS Holiday Rummate Fundraiser were held
December 7, 2024

Harrington School Winter Concerts
  - K- 4th Grade - Tuesday, December 10, 2024

  - 5th - 12th Grade Bands, Tuesday December 17, 2024

A Harrington Community Thanksgiving Service
Coordinated by Harrington Churces was held at 10:30 AM on Sunday, November 24, 2024.

Panhandle Polecats

The Panhandle Polecats performance of great collection of original Bluegrass songs and renditions of some bluegrass greats was well attended on November 9, 2024 at 6 PM.

Harrington Halloween
The HOHS joined other downtown businesses & organizations in providing fun, safe Trick or Treating for youth & families on Saturday, Oct. 26 - 4:00 - 5:30 PM

Mingle, Music, & Memories
Featured the Hawk Creek Band Friday, September 27, 2024.

Attendees checked out historical memorabilia and visited, enjoying the no-host wine, mocktails, and mini-chacuterie boxes while the Hawk Creek Band played a variety of their original tunes from the stage in the background. The event was
Co-sponsored by the Harrington Alumni Association and the Harrington Opera House Society.

Hawk Creek Band: Lynn Caddell, Randy Beamer, Dennis Birge, & Steve Hancock.

A Rummage Fundraiser was also held on September 27 & 28 during the Harrington Fall Festival.

JayDean Ludiker & Her Fiddle Orchestra, Group Therapy
Played to a full house on September, 15, 2024.

The Rusty Vikings - 50's & 60's Rock & Roll
July 13, 2024

The Rusty Vikings, with Roger Shawgo, keyboards; Kevin Gaffney, guitar; Dick Sharp, bass guitar and Jim Cree, drums, played to an enthusiastic full house at the Harrington Opera House on Saturday, July 13th.


HOHS Rummage Fundraiser -
   May 17  & 18, 2024  9 AM - 3 PM

Quilt Show, Saturday, May 18, 2024

Harrington School - P - 4th Grades Music Concert
May 22, 2024 - 7:00 PM

Harrington School - 5th - 12th Grades Music Concert
May 28, 2024 - 7:00 PM

  HOHS Rummage Fundraiser - June 14 & 15, 2024
  Quilt Show - June15, 2024

Keeler, Morse, and Webb - Songs In The Round
Saturday, May 4, 2024 - 7:00 PM
An evening of original songwriting from three of the Northwest's beloved songwriters. Brad Keeler, Lyle Morse and Patrice Webb have a mutual affinity for acoustic blues, swing and folk.
Brad Keeler , Lyle Morse , Patrice Webb

Balance & Conditioning Classes (Chair Yoga)
April 11 & 25 @ 1:00 PM In the HOH Auditorium
• For women & men
• Taught by Linda Jahn, certified Yoga instructor

Info - Linda Jahn:  omoiyariyoga(at)gmail (dot) com

Commuity Meeting on Industrial Wind Turbine Siting
March 26, 2024 - 7 - 9 PM
Sponsored by the Lincon County Cattlemen's Association

Hometown Christmas HOHS Rummage Fundraiser
was held Friday, Dec. 1 & Saturday, Dec. 2, 2023 - from 9 AM to 3 PM

Santa Visit & Photos
On Saturday, December 2nd, Santa (AKA Pastor Cade Clarke) arrived at the HOH via firetruck! A steady stream of children and adults visited with Santa for photo opportunitiesin in the beautifully decorated HOHS Lobby.

Mel Dalton    
Sunday, November 19, 2023     2:00 PM
Reviw by Jeri' Kanally
The Harrington Opera House audience was caught up and whisked away by Mel Dalton's “Adventurous Americana” story time! What a fantastic trip it was! Mel is a very talented singer-songwriter from Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. Her guitar and singing performance touched all of our senses. She sang stories that had very vivid, picturesque themes. The rich tones and textures of Mel's voice and her emotionally interpretive singing style, carried us along as we traveled with her.

Most of her songs were beautifully decorated with images of nature. We envisioned those places and all the characters in her stories coming to life in our imagination. Some of the characters in her songs re-emerged from our own memories of loving, longings and losses. Other figures were strangers we longed to meet. Her dynamic singing voice and dramatic facial expressions mirrored her stories to perfection. We were completely captivated by her charisma! MORE - click here for complete review.

Check out Mel's music at


Dr. Paul Grove - Classical Guitar
Music from All Over
- Sunday, October 29, 2023    
Dr. Paul Grove was well received by a small but entusiastic audeince on Sunday, October 29th.
His program explored music from different cultural traditions: Korea, Ghana, Turkey, Ukraine, China, and South
America. He also included "The Entertainer" by Scott Joplin and featured his transcription of “Green Fields and Meadows” by the nationally recognized composer George Frederick McKay who was born in Harrington. Several audience members commented on his amazing dynamics and ability to make the guitar evoke the sound of other instruments.
Review by attendee:
As a relatively new resident of Harrington WA (March 2022), I'm so delighted and grateful for the incredibly talented performers offered by the beautiful and nostalgic Harrington Opera House. Dr. Paul Grove's solo guitar performance of music from around the world, was quite exceptional! He's been a featured soloist with the NW region’s most prominent symphonies and ensembles. He has toured throughout the US, as well as in Russia, Brazil, India, and Canada. Having such a world renowned, talented performer, come to our little town and perform in our opera house, was so special for us. He came to Harrington knowing his audience would be small. It seems to me like a sort of music mission trip, away from the big city to our quaint little farm town. It must be for the pure pleasure of sharing his musical gifts with us. We are honored and so very grateful. . . Complete Review

Web Portal for Dr. Paul Grove

Fall Festival Rummage Fundriser
Sept. 22-23, 2023
Indoor, outdoor, household, toys, books, sport items, treasures and more were available for Fall Festival attendees to stop and acquire items for their donations.

JayDean Ludiker and her Fiddle Orchestra, "Group Therapy"
Sunday, September 17, 2023 @ 2 PM

JayDean Ludiker and her fiddle orchestra provided an afternoon of foot stomping hoedowns, beautiful waltzes and tunes to a packed house. "Group Therapy" also included guitars, mandolins, harmoinca, string basses, and vocalists in addition to the 20+ fiddles! 

Harrington School Concerts - June 1, 2023
Under the direction of Mr. Seth Bergman

Pre-K - 4th Grade
Middle & High School

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During the 11th Anunal Harrington Car Show:

  Rummage Fundraiser 19th & 20th

  HOHS Quilt Exhibit May 20th

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Great Masterpieces for Cello & Piano
Was held Sunday, March 19, 2023
Kevin Hekmatpanah returned for the 4th time to the HOH stage, this time with pianist, Yoon-Wha Roh. They performed music by Schumann, Strauss, Britten and Piazolla for over 6o people in attendence.

Click Here for the 3/19/23 Program!
FB Event Page

Kevin Hekmatpanah Yoon-Wha Roh

Hometown Christmas HOHS Rummage Fundraiser
was held Friday, Dec. 2 & Saturday, Dec. 3, 2022 - from 9 AM to 3 PM

Santa Visit & Photos
On Saturday, December 3rd, Santa (AKA Pastor Cade Clarke) arrived at the HOH via firetruck! A steady stream of children and adults visited with Santa for photo opportunitiesin the HOHS Lobby.

Scott Kirby - October 22, 2022
Scott returned to the HOH and gave a wonderful version of his Smithsonian Institute presentation on the life & ragtime music of Scott Joplin followed by a “Main Street Souvenirs” multi-media show featuring slides of his original paintings including some of Harrington and interviews from the surrounding area. Local vocalist, Debora Mielke, also took the stage for an "American Medley"

Another Quilt Show
Sponsored by the HOHS and coordinated by Harrington Vintage Country Fair Volunteers was held June 17 & 18.

Quilt Show
Sponsored by the HOHS and coordinated by the Quilting Bee was held on May 21 during the Annual Harrington Car Show.

JayDean Ludiker and
Fiddle Orchestra "Group Therapy"

Was held May 15, 2022
JayDean Ludiker and her fiddle orchestra, "Group Therapy" provided a great selection of foot stomping hoedowns, beautiful waltzes and tunes on May 18, 2022. Only the 2nd perforormance event in the HOHS since 2019 - the last being Bridges Home on Sept. 10, 2021. The orchestra with approximately 20 fiddles plus guitars, mandolin, bass, harmonica and vocalists entertained a full house. Visit JayDean's website

Proceeds from attendance donations were split 50% to the area fiddle contests through The Fiddlers and 50% to the HOHS. The Fiddlers also held a raffle to benefit area fiddle contests.

Photo from 2019. Watch for new photo(s) soon.


Bridges Homeent pandemic situation; for conomic considcietve decided to postpone the March 20th concert till later in the year.

Bridges Home, with Tami and Dave Gunter performed an awesome concert on Friday, Sept. 10, 2021 to moderate sized but very appreciative crowd. Audience members were very impressed with their voice harmonies and variety of music styles using an amazing array of different instruments including -tenor ukulele, clawhammer banjo, Celtic harp, accordion, mandolin and octave mandolin, acoustic guitar, resonator slide guitar, cigar box guitar, Irish whistle, dulcimer, and more. Bridges Home emphasize audience pleasing originals and the stories that inspired them in their performances.
Check Bridges Home out on or

"A Grand Interlude"
Our first performance event at the HOHS since the fall of 2019!
Was held Sunday, August 8, 2021 @ 4 PM

"A Grand Interlude" returned with pianist Andres Jaramillo, area musicians Stephen and Rebecca Hardy, and a bonus piece with flutist Alicia Mielke. The program included solo music from Chopin, Bach, Rachmaninoff, and more, plus duets, songs, and a special flute collaboration. Join us to enjoy a variety of music made possible by the Boston grand piano!

  • Andres Jaramillo, piano
  • Stephen Hardy, baritone
  • Rebecca Hardy, piano
  • Alicia Mielke, flute

Click HERE for more information on the Grand Interlude!!!

Harrington School Holiday Music Program -
December 11, 2019

Preschool through grade 4 sang holiday songs from the Harrington Opera House stage and the high school guitar class presented music for guitar ensemble with alto sax, trumpet, and snare drum. The attendees "filled the house" and were very enthusiastic in support of the kids and the Harrington School Music Program under the helm of Mr. Robert Vierschilling.

Annual Santa Visit & Photos - and
Holliday Rummage Fundraiser - December 7, 2019

The Santa Visit and Holiday Rummage ran very smoothly and were well attended this year with almost twice the number of "Santa Sittings" as or previous record. This was the 10th year that Santa visited the HOHS.

Flute and Piano Concert with Alicia Mielke & Kevin Garnica
November 17, 2019

The Harrington Opera House Society was pleased to present the additional performance from Alicia Mielke's Barn Concert Series. The program included: Griffes, Poem; Medtner, Sonata-Idyll in G Major; Bach, Sonata in C Major; Widor, Suite




Memories with Mark Twain

by Patrick Treadway
Sunday, November 3, 2019

Patrick Treadway presented "Memories with Mark Twain", a humorous one-man show crafted from Mr. Twain’s memories and musings on memory itself. The stories were each from speeches Twain gave and essays he wrote, which Patrick edited together with the "memory" theme in mind. The "Mexican plug" story for instance, was a "speech version" of a passage from his book Roughing It, which he thought worked better in front of an audience, rather than just reading the literary version. I think that was the case with "Jim Wolfe and the Cats," too.

Treadway is an actor trained at the American Conservatory Theater in San Francisco, a puppeteer and visual artist. He has entertained Spokane and Coeur d'Alene audiences since 1988 with a diverse array of characters, from Huckleberry Finn to Bing Crosby and John Barrymore, with Civic Theatre, CdA Summer Theatre and as one of Interplayers' Resident Artists. He presented his "Memories with Mark Twain" show on a Mississippi river boat this past summer. 


women with life-sized John Wayne cutoutSaturday, October 26, 2019 - 9 AM - 3 PM
Super Size Rummage Fundraiser

Featured lots of glass ware, household, kitchen & outdoor items; art,  photo frames, vintage media, electronics, furniture, books, and more.

September 27-28, 2019
Fall Festival HOHS Rummage and Tours

HOHS's 2 day Fall Fest Rummage Fundraiser
- Friday, Sept. 27th - 10 am - 2 pm and Saturday
- Saturday, Sept. 28th 9 am - 3 pm.
Featured household, kitchen & outdoor items; art,  photo frames, vintage media, electronics, furniture, books, and more.

Tours for the Public:
Friday, Sept. 27 - 6 - 7 pm during the Harrington Town Square Street Dance
Saturday, Sept. 28 - 9 am - Noon

October 5, 2019 - 7 PM
National Adult Fiddle Champion:
JayDean Ludiker and
Fiddle Orchestra "Group Therapy"

JayDean Ludiker is a 3rd generation fiddle player dedicated to teaching and performing old time fiddle music. Her fiddle orchestra, 30 strong, joined with her to provide an evening of foot stomping hoedowns, beautiful waltzes and tunes for a full house. Besides at least 25 fiddles, the band included of guitars, mandolins, bass, Vocals and harmonica! Visit JayDean's website

Admission by donation - benefited the Harrington Opera House Society and the North West Regional Fiddle Contest.

Peter, Paul, & Mary Tribute by The Willows
September 14, 2019

The Willows featured 20 songs of Peter, Paul and Mary along with a PowerPoint presentation and narration, giving a historical and musical look at the 1960's through the lens of the famous trio.  Song histories, mini-biographies, and social commentary were interspersed with the musical numbers, culminating in a few audience sing-a-longs.


Robert Vierschilling and Friends: An Evening of Classical Guitar
Saturday, August 17, 2019

A wonderful evening of classical guitar ensembles and solos, the event was also a fundraiser for the
benefit of the Harrington School Music program. Especially considering that harvest season, there was a good sized audience who donated generaously to attend. Several instruments were also brought to the event for donation to the Harrington School Music Program.

Couleur Tango by Thierry Tisserand
Mike Edmondson, Robert Vierschilling, Stella Kosim, Anton Sinkov
Harrington Opera House

Sonata in E Major Op 1 No 4 RV 66 by Antonio Vivaldi Tri-Cities Guitar Quartet Harrington Opera House


More Info on the Guitar Friends

Cello and Piano Concert - June 22, 2019

Kevin Hekmatpanah returned for the third time to the Harrington Opera House, this time accompanied by renowned pianist, Archie Chen. The program included works by Beethoven, Schumann, Prokofiev and others.

June 1, 2019 - "Dylan Meets Patsy"
with Paul "Buck" and Elizabeth

Family Show tibute to Patsy Cline and Bob Dylan.
With her versatile voice and and personality, Elizabeth perfomed amazing Patsy Cline tribute songs and other country classics from Patsy's era. She also provided harmonony for Paul "Buck" as he took us through the history of Bob Dylan's song writing and performing career.

Cruizin' Harrington HOHS Rummage Fundraiser
May 17 & 18, 2019

   The HOHS Rummage Fund raiser now in its 7th year, held another successful venture during Cruizin' Harrington Days.

May 18, 2019 - Annual Cruizin' Harrington Quilt Show

The HOH Auditorium was festooned with over 60 quilts with other handiwork also being shown. Quilts were furnished by Paula Harrington, Emily Dafler, Beth Oestreich, Linda Mielke, Nancy Egnew, Stacy Hurst, Bonnie Rae, Jean Axelson, Mary Overmyer, Emily Miller, Bunny Haugan, Cindy Lee, Lonnie Zundel, Marisela Espenoza, Joe Gooley, and Bessie Robertson.  During most of the day background piano music was played by local talent.  A special display was created highlighting Bessie Robertson's creative projects. 

April 27, 2019 - 2:30 to 4:30 PM - Mountain Dulcimer Jam

Several members of the Spokane Dulcimer Guild jammed and presented an "Introduction & History of the Mountain Dulcimer" to a small but appreciative audience.

Presentation of mountain dulcimers


April 27, 2019 - 7:00 PM - Carolyn Cruso - Hammered Dulcimer

Carolyn Cruso, singer/songwriter, hammered dulcimer player and multi-instrumentalist gave an awesome performance - often accompanying herself on alternately tuned guitars which created a rich weaving of chords, melody, to go with her intelligent lyrics. 

Carolyn Cruso at the HOH Promo Poster

April 27, 2019 Activities in Harrington








Santa Visit - Dec. 1, 2018 - 11 am - 1 pm
Santa (a.k.a. Charlie Colbert) arrived at the Harrington Opera House at 11 a.m. via firetruck.
A steady stream of individuals visited with Santa, Mrs. Santa (Paula Harrington), and Santa's Elf (Tash Simmon).
Other downtown Harrington Hometown Christmas Activities on Dec. 1st.

Dec. 5, 2018 - 6 - 7 pm
Holiday Songfest by Harrington Grade School Students
Families of students and members of the public filled the auditorium to capacity for the class performances by Harrington School K-6 students

Scott Kirby on the Harrington Opera House Stage Scott Kirby - Piano and Media Presentation
Nov. 9 , 2018
Renditions of Americana Music including ragtime, jazz and original compositions with narration and slide show of unique original art.Scott Kirby's website.
Admission by donation.

* * * * *

Nov. 10, 2018

WW I Armistice Centennial - Film Festival

Organized by Geoff Talkington

* * * * *

The Pine and the Cherry - WA Humanities - Japanese Americans
"The Pine and the Cherry" - humanities WASHINGTON Presentation
Nov. 18, 2018
Mayumi Tsutakawa, whose father was renowned sculptor George Tsutakawa, revealed her family’s 100-year history against the backdrop of the dramatic American story of 120,000 Japanese Americans forced from their homes as a result of Executive Order 9066.
RESOURCE page from presentation
  Quick link to Densho Encyclopedia

Review of Presenation plus related Harrington History

UFO Updates by Peter Davenport - October 27, 2018
Peter Davenport, Director of the National UFO Reporting Center, dedicated to the logical analysis of UFO reports for the benefit of everyone, returned to the Harrington Opera House with a presentation to a receptive audiance of approximately 80 attendess. Sponsored by the Harrington Opera House Society and the Harrington Public Development Authority.

John Nilsen and piano at Harrington Opera House

John Nilsen - Piano - October - 6, 2018 - 7 pm

Award Winning Oregon Pianist and internationally known recording artist John Nilsen, known for combining elements of folk, classical and jazz returned to the Harrington Opera House in Harrington, WA on Saturday, October 6, 2016 at 7:00 pm.

Buck & Elizabeth* * * * *

Variety Show: Buck, Elizabeth & Peter and Harrington Students
October 11 - 6 pm
Free event- sponsored by The Harrington School  Board Director’s grant and the Harrington PTA. One-of-a-kind show filled with energetic music, dancing, signlanguage and "ventriloquism." Buck and Elizabeth will culminated a three day school workshop with Harrington School students by performing with them on the HOH stage. Buck & Elizabeth have been family favorites for over 20 years - often including their orgiginal songs "Ants in my Pants", "Funky Monkey," Cow Yucky," Disco Nerdy Nerds," and others in their performances.

* * * * *

JayDean Ludiker and Fiddle Orchestra

National Adult Fiddle Champion: JayDean Ludiker and her Fiddle Orchestra
Oct. 13 - 7 pm
JayDean Ludiker is a 3rd generation fiddle player dedicated to teaching and performing old time fiddle music. Her fiddle orchestra, 30 strong,   joinined her for an evening of foot stomping hoedowns, beautiful waltzes and tunes for a full house. The band consisted of Guitars, Mandolins, Bass, Vocals and 20 fiddles! Visit JayDean's website
Admission was by donation - benefitting the Harrington Opera House Society and the North West Regional Fiddle Contest.

Fall Festival HOHS Rummage and Tours
Oodles of furniture, vintage household items, kitchenware, books, holiday decor, electronics, miscellaneous miscellany - last rummage this year. Tours were held Friday, Sept. 21st @ approximately 4 pm and Saturday, Sept. 22 - 9 am - 4 pm.

Fundraiser Rummage was held July 14, 2018
Lots of furniture, books, household items, new holiday decor, and vintage Christmas decor was offered.

The Panhndle Polecats returned to the HOH State June 30, 2018

They played to a full house and all seemed to enjoy their performance of autthentic traditional and original Bluegrass music.

Nu-Blu - June 15, 2018

The bluegrass group, Nu-Blu, returned to the Harrington Opera House on Friday evening, June 15, due to automotive difficulties en route.  Dan Routh, their guitarist and bus driver, introduced the group, stating that this is his third time to perform in Harrington. His wife Carolyn played bass, with Harrison on the fiddle and Calder on banjo. Their performance began with Carolyn singing "That's What Makes the Bluegrass Blue.  They hail from Silva City, NC, but Calder is from Grand Rapids, MI.  Their second song with Dan taking the lead was "That Road".  The applause from the audience made one think that it was larger than the nearly 40 that were present.  Nu-Blu is currently on tour introducing their new album, "Vagabonds", and they performed many of the songs from that album. Another six or eight songs were enjoyed including "It's Not That Cold Up in Montana", "Still Small Voice", "The Bridges that You Burn", and "Gypsies on Parade" prior to Intermission. Several were instrumental songs, and many traditional bluegrass songs.  They played a Bob Dylan song, stating "it is not really bluegrass but it is after we get hold of it", "Knocking on Heaven's Door".  Following a brief intermission, the audience was treated to another ten selections, including "Man from Galilee", "River of Love", and "Good Hearted Woman".  At the conclusion they stated that they would love to come back, and the audience cheered. 

Rummage Fundraiser
braided rug, table, wood, other rummage itemsMay 19




Quilts displayed in Harrington Opera House auditorium






Quilt Show - May 19th in Auditorium

Music: Periodic piano music, throughout day Alicia Mielke, flute & Linda Mielke, piano
1 pm - 2 pm from the auditorium stage

HOHS Annual Piano Student Recital - May 6, 2018 - 3 pm
The studentsof instructor Heather Safe, using our Boston by Steinway grand piano, showcased their musical accomplishments for the year.

"Chief Moses" - Presentation by Jim Kershner - May 5, 2018 - 1 PM
Chief Moses was the leader of the Columbia band of Indians, who gave his name to both Moses Lake and Moses Coulee. Jim Kershner, author, historian and journalist presented to an audience of a little over 40 people.

Shakespeare for Students and the Public - March 27, 2018
After conducting workshops with sudents at the Harrington School in the morning, The Seattle Shakespeare Co. presented "Romeo & Juliette" to the school students and the public at the Harrington Opera House on Tuesday, March 27th. The troupe conducted a Q&A with the audience following the performance.

Social Media Boot Camp - March 24, 2018
Josh Wade of nectarMEDIA presented a 3 1@ hr workshop on marketing with the constantly changing face of Social Media. This free event was sponsored by the Lincoln County EDC and Hosted by the Harrington Opera House Society.

Kevin Hekmatpanah, Cello & Tomoko Kimura, Piano
Two days before the March 2, 2017 performance, we received word that pianist, Paulina Zamora, suffered a shoulder injury and would be unable to come to the HOH. Dr. Hekmatpanah was able to recruit Tomok Kimura to accompany him for a well received revised program that inclueded works by Bach, Mendelssohn, Maria Von Weber, Massenet, Tchaikovsky, Saint-Saens, Faure, Bruch, and Popper. Admission by donation.

Mini Rummage in The Art Room HOHS Fundraiser
was held February 10, 2018 featureing books vintage records, select crystal pieces, vintage and modern jewelry, framed art, and small gift ideas. and more.

Phone Class - Feb. 1, 2018
Taught by Stacey Rasmussen, attendees learned how to get a better handle on all the functions & settings of smart phones including different aps & widget add-ons.

Santa returned to the HOH on Saturday, December 2, 2017
Santa (a.k.a. Justin Bradford) and Mrs. Santa (a.k.a. Paula Pike) visited with young and old from 10 am. to noon. Meanwhile, the HOHS Holiday Rummage Fundraiser, attracted many generous buyers

Unraveling a Mystery: UFOs and ETs in Ancient Art

Ancient stone carvings

Saturday, October 28, 2017 - 7:00 PM
Co-Sponsored by the Harrington PDA
The UFO presentation on Oct. 28th was well attended. And fans were able to post more questions to presenters Maurene Morgan and Peter Davenport at the Post & Office following the event in the HOH.

The Harrington Opera House 25th Anniversary Celebration
Reception and "Celebration of the Piano" Presentation by Dr. Jody Graves

Sunday, October 15, 2017 - 2:30 PM

The Harrington Opera House Society was founded in January 1992 to rescue the historic Harrington Opera House and Bank Block Building. The dedicated HOHS members have worked diligently for 25 years to rehabilitate the grand old structure Dr. Jody Graves at the pianothat was built in 1904. Approximately 80 attendees toasted the succesful accomplishments in developing this regional venue for community events, arts, and culture.

Dr. Jody Graves, pianist, maintains an exciting, diverse and active performing career, with concert and speaking engagements throughout the United States and abroad including Austria, Norway, France, Scotland, Ireland, Germany and Japan. She is recognized for her creative ability to engage audiences with anecdotes and humor, and has been referred to by the press as “Victoria Borge”. We were honored that she is returned to the Harrington Opera House to share her talents and inspiration and to help celebrate our 25th year.



HOHS Rummage Fundraiser - September 23, 2017
Included bBeautiful large display of vintage jewelry, jewelry boxes, saddle, boots and western hat.  Framed quilt squares, portable crib, colored glass ware, books, old cameras, word processor, GPS, keyboard, kitchenware, children VHS's,  old medicine cabinet,  old wooden mangle/wringer,  junk drawer boxes and much more. Treasures and practical items for your home or gifts.  Some items priced, most available for your reasonable donation to benefit operating expenses and ongoing rehabilitation projects. Opera House Tours provided prior to and immediately following the Parade.

The Needhams - September 22, 2017 - 7 PM

Christian/Gospel / Country from Murfreesboro, TN returned to the HOHS stage, Friday night of Harrington Fall Festival! Sponsored by the Harrington Church of the Nazarene. They were well received by the crowd and made plans to return again in September of 2018.

Bridges Home - August 25, 2017

Bridges Home, a trio of vocalists and multi-instrumentalists returned to the Harrington Opera House on August 25, 2017 to perform transformed Americana, Celtic, Roots - and many original compositions for an audience of about 50. Dave Gunter spoke for the group for most of the event and introduced his wife, Tami, who was originally from South Dakota, and their son, Paul Gunter.  He wasted no time as he explained that his wife was from Cando, SD, when they began with their hit "Can Do Girl".  This was followed with "In Bed With the Blues". With each song, these talented musicians traded instruments from their unique collection which included: guitar, tenor ukulele, clawhammer banjo, accordion, octave mandolin, cigar box guitar, resonator slide guitar, bass, Irish whistles, bodhran, stompbox and washboard.  Between songs Dave explained some of the uses of the various instruments and would select a song to highlight the use of each.  At one point in his dialogue, Dave spoke of a restored building in Sand Point and compared it to the Harrington Opera House, and stated: "It speaks well of a community to have a treasure like this opera house." Celtic, Bluegrass and Americana tunes flowed for nearly two hours and included such titles as "Heaven Bound", "Here Comes the Sun", "Love Is A Long, Long Way" and "A Buffalo Nickel". The latter song was played to exalt his Honduran Cigar Box Guitar. It would have taken a professional to detect if the audience was hearing Joni Mitchell or Tami Gunter in "Joni Mitchell Days". The ending song of their final set was a tribute to a recently departed family member entitled "Farther Down the River." Following a standing ovation and calls for "encore" the group performed "Shenandoah". 

"Exploring Freedom" - Solo Piano Recital by Rebecca Hardy
Privately sponsored event - was open to the public on May 6, 2017.

HOHS Activities on May 20, 2017- Cruzin' Harrington Day

  • Quilt Show in the auditorium
  • Harrington School PTA Quilt Raffle Drawing @ 3pm
  • HOHS Rummage Event - benefit HOHS operating funds

HOHS Piano & Art Student Recital & Recption
Was held - May 21, 2017

Heidi Muller and Bob Webb

Heidi Muller & Bob Webb on the Harrington Opera House StageHeidi and Bob, contemporary folk musicians, included songs from their recent CD release in an awesome concert on on April 29, 2017.

Heidi Muller and Bob Webb (BIO) cross the musical boundaries between original songs and traditional tunes, blending each other’s influences from the Pacific Northwest to the Appalachian Mountains. Featuring dulcimers, guitars, mandolin, electric cello, and Muller’s crystalline vocals, they have released four duo recordings: Dulcimer MoonLight the Winter’s Dark, Seeing Things, and their new release Up Hurricane Creek.

"Russian Masterpieces"
with Kevin Hekmatpanah, Cello & Darin Manica, Piano

Concert performed for a small but appreciative audience on April 7, 2017. Attendence was by donation and ALL funds collected went into the HOHS funds for operations and continued venue rehabilitation and enhancements. Kevin and Darin graciously performed at not charge to the HOHS!

Podcast of interview with Verne Windham on KPBX 91.1 on, April 6th!

Darin Manica at piano & Kevin Hekmatpanah with cello on Harrington O.H. stage D-Manica and K-Hekmatpanah on Harrington O.H. stage Kevin Hekmatpanah and Kevin Manica on Harrington Opera House stage


Miss Harrington Pageant - March 26, 2017

The Harrington Homemakers coordinated this opportunity for three young Harrington ladies to showcase their poise and talents. Watch for photos coming soon!

Hometown Country Christmas Gospel & Bluegrass Concert
Sponsored by| Harrington Church of the Nazarene & Alpha Omega Bus Tours

The concert featuring multiple talents of the "The Parks Family" and "The Dion Family", played to in the beautifully decorated Harrington Opera House on the snowy evening of December 9, 2016.

Santa Visit and Holiday Rummage - Saturday, December 3, 2016.
Santa arrived at 10 a.m. and visited with folks till noon. The Rummage Fundraiser included vintage jewelry & hats, holiday items ran from 9 am to 3 pm.

Scott Kirby at a piano and one of his paintings - promo for Nov 19 2016 event at Harrington Opera House

Scott Kirby - Saturday, November 19, 2016

Check out the short slide show preview from Scott's presentation on Thursday, Nov. 17th to Harrington School students. Slide show does not include the local photos that were included in the Nov. 19th show. facebook slide show

Watch for more photos of event attended by an enthusiastic audiance of 75 people!

Promo Poster 


John Nilsen in front of pianoJohn Nilsen - Piano - October 22, 2016

Award winning Oregon pianist and internationally known recording artist John Nilsen, known for combining elements of folk, classical and jazz, was one of our first event performers to use the 7'1" Boston designed by Steinway grand piano recently acquired by the Harrington Opera House Society.

Watch for photos from the event which was attended by a small but appreciative audience.

Listen to him:

Find out more about John at:



GALA: Piano & Elevator Dedication Celebration - Saturday, October 1st

Gala Announcement

A Gala Celebration and Dedication on the afternoon of October 6th was attended by about 45 members, patrons, and supporters of the Harrington Opera House Society.  With the assistance of Gordon Herron, HOHS building engineer, Senator Judy Warnick, Representative Tom Dent and Representative Matt Manweller cut the ribbon to the new elevator entrance to begin the festivities. “Going up” with the legislators in the first elevator load were long time HOHS supporters, Elaine Cronrath and the urn of the late Gene Cronrath. Linda Zellmer of Davenport played during the reception prior to a program to officially dedicate the acquisition of the new 7’1” Boston designed by Steinway grand piano. Mark Stedman, former president of HOHS, opened the program and introduced Senator Judy Warneck, Representative Tom Dent and Representative Matt Manweller who each spoke briefly about their support and assistance to garner funding necessary for the elevator and ADA project. Billie Herron, current president of HOHS, explained the efforts over the years to acquire a concert quality piano and introduced the afternoon’s featured performers. Heather Safe, HOHS piano instructor, played "Shreveport Stomp" by Ferdinand "Jelly Roll" Morton, a syncopated ragtime piece. Rebecca Hardy, who coordinated and played for several “Grand Interlud” HOHS piano fundraising events over the years, performed  Gershwin’s famous "Rhapsody in Blue.” Several attendees had an opportunity to tickle the ivories following official program.

Rebecca Hardy playing Gershwin's Rhapsody in Blue at the Gala, video courtesy Stephen Hardy.

More photos coming soon.

The Needhams
Sponsored by Harrington Churches, The Needhams bluegrass gospel group returned to the Harrington Opera House on the beginning of Harrington's Fall Festival weekend, Friday, September 23, 2016.

HOHS Rummage Event, Saturday, September 24, 2016
A steady stream of visitors stopped in to the rummage room to peruse household items & other treasures available for donations and jewelry, vintage hats, photography & art prints available in The Art Room. The lobby and auditorium was open for tours pre & post the Fall Festival Parade.

Nu-Blu Concert - August 19, 2016

With wheat harvest still underway, a smallish crowd of about 50 were treated to another outstanding performance by this national touring bluegrass band. Band members: Clint White (fiddle & mandolin),Carolyn Routh (bass), Daniel Routh (guitar), TJ Honaker (bango & guitar.)

Nu-Blu band on HOH stage

Carolyn & Dan Routh of Nu-Blu Nu-Blu - fiddle player Two Nu-Blu band members playing guitar Nu-Blu-Carolyn & Daniel Routh

Reflection in window of Nu-Blu band at the Harrington Opera House

Reflections of Nu-Blu in Harrington Opera House auditorium window.

Student Violin Recital - August 14, 2016

Sky McCauley of Edwall, WA, presented her first student violin recital at the HOH on Sunday afternoon, August 14th. Her instructor is Jeanne Bourgeois and the family invited the public to come listen and celebrate Sky's accomplishments as a talented musician and a budding performer. Attendance was free but donations were accepted to help offset the expenses of auditorium use.

HOHS Rummage Events
The HOHS Rummage Room was unofficially open on July 2nd, and officially open July 3rd and 4th. Ed Haugan also conducted tours of the Opera House on Sunday afternoon, July 3rd for participants of the Car Club Cruise who were in town. Another Rummage Day was held on August 6th.

Bel Canto of Yakima
June 25, 2016
"Music is What Feelings Sound Like"

Bel Canto of Yakima returned to the HOHS on June 25, 2016 to present a concert titled "Music is What Feelings Sound Like". They last performed here with the Tapestry choral group in April, 2010. A small but enthusiastic audience enjoyed their collection of patriotic, American standards, spiritual, and show tunes. Donations by attendees were split between the Bel Canto Music Scholarship Program and the HOHS for continued rehabilitation projects and operations.

This was the first event to use the newly installed elevator and the third event (after background music for the Quilt Show and the HOHS Piano Student Recital) to use the new Boston Grand Piano by Steinway.

Bel Canto at the Harrington Opera House in 2010 and 2016First public use of elevator at Harrington Opera Hous

"Bridges Home"
June 4, 2016

The Bridges Home trio, with Tami and Dave Gunter as lead vocalists and Paul Gunter primarily on base treated the almost 50 audience members to an awesome performance. They are not only amazingly talented musicians but also wonderful people to work with. It wasn't till the start of the performance under the hot lights on an unseasonably hot day that we discovered that the auditorium HVAC unit was not working as a result of recent elevator installation work. They didn't miss a beat and were so gracious. But the best part was their music - from traditional folk & Celtic standards to incredible original music. Tami, with her clear soprano voice "channeled" Joni Mitchel in their "Joni Mitchel Morning" song in the style of "Chelsea Morning." Then there was the hauntingly beautiful instrumental Ashokan Farewell and a beautiful arrangement of Shenandoah as their encore number. In between they delivered a wide variety of styles and textures, many with 3-part harmony. And it seemed like no two songs had the same instrumentation as they alternately utilized a wide variety of instruments - from traditional guitar, banjo, and mandolin to accordion, Celtic harp, harmonica, Irish whistles, Irish ukulele, percussive washboard, even a cigar box guitar - and there was more! We look forward to their playing at our Harrington Opera House again! And next time the elevator and the HVAC system will be in service!

Photos coming soon.

HOHS Piano Student Recitalchilds fingers on piano keyboard
May 22, 2016

Harrington Opera House and Heather Safe's piano students played their selected pieces on the newly acquired Boston grand piano during the annual HOHS Student Recital on Sunday, May 22nd at 4 PM. Light refreshments were served and Certificates of Participation were presented to the youth who also took part in this year's HOHS Creative Arts Program.

Quilt Show and Rummage Event
May 21, 2016

During Cruizin' Harrington, area quilters displayed their handiwork in the lobby and auditorium with the use of the newly arrived Boston by Steinway grand piano provided for occasional background music. Donations from Quilt Show visitors went to the PTA playground equipment project.

The "Rummage Room" was open from 9 am to 3 pm on the ground floor with collectable jewelry pieces available for donation in The Art Room. It was one of the most successful Rummage events so far with donations to the HOHS exceeding $800.


Santa Visit & Rummage/Jewelry Sale Elevator Fundraiser
Held Saturday, December 5, 2015

Stage Reading of "Our Town"
On November 21, 2015, audience members from throughout the county and beyond enjoyed the stage reading of Thornton Wilder's classic "Our Town", produced by Davenport Theatrical - on the Harrington Opera House stage.

Peter Davenport - Presentation on the The National UFO Reporting Center
The fundraiser, on October 30, 2015 for the Harrington Public Development Authority. was well attended.

The Spokane Magic ClubSpokane Magic Club Performers at the Harrington Opera House
A magical evening delighted the families that attended the benefit for the Harrington Opera House on Friday, September 25th. Thanks to the members of the Spokane Magic Club for bringing their talented performers to the Harrington Opera House and for donating all proceeds to the HOHS. It was great to have so many youngsters attend and all seemed captivated by the illusions, humor, and antics on the stage and in the audience. Lots of audience participation encouraged rapt attention.

Fall Festival Events
The Fall Rummage Sale attracted new donations - of items and money for items. Aimee Poteet exhibited her handmade jewelry in The Art Room and many people visited the museum and toured the Opera House on Saturday, September 26, 2015. For some, it was their first visit - others, who haven't been in the auditorium in the last two years, were impressed with the recent progress made: beautiful refinishing of the original wood trim and wainscotting, refinished floor, new window blinds, stage curtains installed, and preparations started for the ADA restroom adjacent to the auditorium.

Nu Blu on the Harrington Opera House StageNu-Blu Concert
From Siler City in central North Carolina, Nu-Blu brought its lively and entertaining version of Americana-bluegrass music to Harrington! They drove through high winds and a major dust storm and made it in time to for the evening concert on August 29th. Some frequent patrons of our HOHS events said it was one of the best concerts we've had so far!
Event Poster   Nu-Blu website

Annual Dog Wash
Several brave souls - two legged and four legged braved the winds and blowing dust on August 29, 2015 for the annnual Dog Days of Summer Dog Wash. Canines enjoyed baths by HOHS volunteers and brush out/finsh by professional pet groomer, Kristi Poteet, owner of "ME TOO!" Pet Grooming & Boarding.

HOHS Piano & Art Student Recital & ReceptionGroup of Harrington Opera House FY 2015 Arts Program participants around piano

The 4th Annual Piano & Art Student Recital & Reception was held Saturday, May 30, 2015. About 40 people attended the event which featured selections played by 6 of the HOHS Arts Program students as well as this year's instructors; Rebecca Hardy & Heather Safe. Because the HOH auditorium floors were still curing from the recent refinishing, the recital & reception was held at the Harrington Church of the Nazarene.



Cruzin' Harrington Events at/for the HOH - May 16, 2015

A very succesful Rummage from 9 to 4 generated over $500 for the HOH Elevator Fund. Visitors were very complimentary of the photography & art display in The Art Room. Exhibits from local photographers; Stacey Rasmussen, Ed Haugan, David Michaelson, & Karen Roberton; Seattle photographer Skip Smith; and art prints of Charlotte Schacher, Tina Fisher Turner & Bev Doolittle were included. Ed Haugan hosted many visitors to the HOHS Museum. Due to the auditorium floor refinishing project still in progress, the Chamber of Commerce Quilt Show, from 9am to 3 pm, and the Riley & Friends Jazz Concert at 4 was moved to the Harrington Community Church.

HOHS Piano Fund Benefit at the Steinway Gallery of Spokane

A benefit performance for the HOHS piano fund by EWU students, faculty, and alumni held on April 18th at the Steinway Gallery of Spokane featured chamber music written after 1900. People from as far away as Montana attended!

The Horse Crazy Cowgirl Band Returned to the HOH on March 20, 2015

Almost 100 people were treated to another outstanding performance by the awesome Horse Crazy Cowgirl Band. The audiance also enjoyed the return of Dave McClure, author, cowboy poet, composer and musician from Nespelem, Washington. The Horse Crazy Cowgirls clearly deomonstrated why they were the winners of the 2014 Western Music Association Best of the Best Harmony Award! The group arranged for a portion of the proceeds after expenses to benefit the ongoing rehabilitation projects for the Harrington Opera House!

Reflections of the Horse Crazy Cow Girls Band on stage in Harrington! Horse Crazy Cowgirls band on the Harrington Opera House stage

Reflections of an outstanding concert!

Dave McClure at the keyboard on the Harrington Opera House stage Audiance and Dave McClure on  stage at the Harrington Opera House


Santa Visit and Elevator Fund Raiser Christmas Rummage Event
Saturday, Nov. 29, 2014

For the 6th year in a row, Santa included a stop in at the Harrington Opera House in his busy pre-Christmas visiting schedule. With his reindeer resting up somewhere out of town, Santa hitched a ride in a Harrington fire truck to arrive at 10 am. In just two hours of twenty-two sittings in the HOH lobby, forty-seven young and young-at-heart people visited with Santa. Most had photos taken of their visit. All youth received goody bags provided by the Harrington Chamber of Commerce. Some of the 5 to 7 year olds have been visiting with Santa at the Harrington Opera House every year since they were infants or toddlers. With this year's Rusty Lark Winter Bazaar in the Memorial Hall across the street, there were several new faces in the crowd as well. Around the corner in The HOH Art Room, business was steady for the collection of vintage to modern Christmas items in another successful Elevator Fund Raising Rummage Event.

Tayla Lynn & Eric Tingstad - NOVEMBER 7, 2014!

Review for The Odessa Record by Marorie WomachTayla Lynn & Eric Tingsatd on the Harrington Opea House Stage

Friday evening, Nov. 7, Tayla Lynn and Eric Tingstad performed at the Harrington OperaHouse to an audience of more than 110.  President Mark Stedman of HOHS introducedTayla Lynn, a granddaughter of the country star legend, Loretta Lynn. Tayla grew up in the heart of Tennessee.  She introduced Eric Tingstad, a Grammy Award winner, who had previously performed in our opera house as Tingstad and Rumble.  The free flowing program seemed to be decided moment by moment as they interacted with each other, sharing, cajoling, verbally jousting between songs with Eric Tingstad playing the guitar. After two of her own songs, the audience was treated to two Loretta Lynn songs, You Ain't Woman Enough to Take My Man and Don't Come Home a Drinkin' with Lovin' on Your Mind.  Although Tayla Lynn prefers keeping her own identity, several commented after the program that they could tell it really wasn't Loretta Lynn, but you knew they were kin-folk.  Prior to intermission Tayla Lynn shared some of her personal stories of abuse, and rather than stopping on a rather depressed note, she continued singing and dialoguing another fifteen minutes.  Given the opportunity to rest between sets, she spent the intermission time meeting and greeting and autographing much as she had done prior to going on stage, an occurrence that simply would not happen in a larger venue. Here one could be "up close and personal".  She came back from the intermission with congratulating the hostess for the food that was prepared for the evening and continued her singing, allowing time for Eric Tingstad to perform only one solo for the event. Among the songs that Tayla sang were Coal Dust, Proud Mary (Rolling on the River), Honky Tonk Girl and concluded with  O Lord, Don't Give Up On Me.  With a little coaxing she returned to the stage to please the entire audience with Coal Miner's Daughter. 


NE District 4-H Teen Rally
Slightly edited from report to Odessa Record by Marjorie Womach
Bridget Rohner from the WSU Extension arranged with the Harrington school and the Harrington Opera House Society to bring the 4-H Teen Rally for the NE District to Harrington Nov 8 & 9, 2014.  Workshops were held in Log Rolling in the Harrington School indoor pool, Drama on the stage of the Opera House, Square Dancing (taught by a group from Reardan), Gluten-free Cooking (the teens prepared the Saturday evening meal) and Public Presentations (by the 4-H Ambassadors). Sunday the teens were involved "service learning projects" at the Opera House. One group found and moved the Christmas decorations from the basement to the lobby of the opera house and decorated the tree. Another group unboxed the Rummage items and laid them out in a stylish manner to be viewed for the sale. All items were of a Seasonal nature.  The third group remained in the basement and organized and inventoried the costumes that are stored and preserved for theatrical productions.  As noon brought the end of the 4-H Teen Rally, all comments regarding the teens and the Rally were very positive. The workshops were awesome, as were the teens.  One opera house member stated: "They were a good bunch of kids, responsible, cooperative and helpful."   One of the adults hadn't been to Harrington in some years but was so pleased with how nice the town looks, "people seem to be invested in your community." 


The Harrington Nazarene Church sponsored the return of The Needhams - on Monday, September 22, 2014.

Another Successful "Grand Interlude" was held September 14, 2014

Dr. Randell WagnerAddres JaramilloRebecca HardyStephen Hardy

  • Dr. Randel Wagner, baritone - chair of Vocal Studies at EWU
  • Andres Jaramillo, piano - pianist from Colombia, winner of international piano competitions and faculty member at Juan N. Corpus University
  • Rebecca Hardy, piano - received her Master of Music in Piano Performance from EWU
  • Stephen Hardy, baritone - musician gifted in classical music, as well as jazz

The concert, attended by about 100 people, featured favorites by Beethoven and Grieg, as well as musical theater selections and music from Spain and Latin America. The guest performer, Andres Jaramillo, from Colombia, South America; enthusiastically shared and explained examples of music from his country.

As in the previous 2 Grand Interlude concerts, donations after expenses continued the fund raising for a concert-grade piano for the Harrington Opera House.

Piano courtesy of Steinway Gallary of Spokane

Harrington Opera House was the chosen venue for another wedding!

Dan Brown & Kitty Johnson-Woods wedding - September 13, 2014

The June Rummage Elevator Fund Raiser was held June 17th

The Tuesday date coincided with the Harrington Library Used Book Sale and the Mobius Science Center event and kick-off of the Summer Reading Program. The featured Artisan was Renay Calhoun with her Zentangle inspired work In Art Room


Recital & Arts Exhibit - May 4th

The HOHS Music & Art Students were featured at a recital and reception in the HOHS on Sunday, May 4, 2014. The event began with music performances in the auditorium, followed by reception and slide show in The Art Room.


Harrington's Spring Festival -2014

The Stitchn' Chicks held their popular Quilt and stitchery show in the Harrington Opera House on April 26th during Harrington's Spring Festival weekend. Proceeds from this year's quilt raffle will go towards a new picnic table for the Harrington City Park.

Ron Hall's 360° photo of Quilt Show!

Another succesful Rummage event was also held during Harrington's Spring Festival on April 26th. and metal arts, framed art prints, and farming quilt patterns were offered by Artisans in The Art Room.

HOHS volunteers also assisted many of Harrington's Spring Festival visitors, including a bus-load from Spokane's Corbin Senior Activities Center, with touring the HOH activities and museum.

Corbin Senior Activities bus in front of Harrington Opera House









"Foggy Dew Western Review" The HORSE CRAZHorse Crazy Cowgirls with Dave McClure on the Harrington Opera House stageY Cowgirl Band
with Dave McClure

A sizable crowd enjoyed the hilarious trip down the memory trail on March 21, 2014 The Horse Crazy Cowgirl Band and Dave McClure created an old time radio show format. Through KMOO Radio, the live audiance enjoyed memorable original musice and beautiful harmonic renditions of American & Western classics.

Horse Crazy Cowgirl Band, with Lauralee Northcutt, Jennifer Epps, and Judy Coder, backed up their amazing vocals with guitar, harmonica, light percussion, and in one song a Native American flute. Dave McClure, cowboy poet and author used local residents, Robert & Kristy Mielke, as foils for many of his zaney jokes. He also presented some impressive original piano compositions. Photos, currently on facebook, will be posted here soon.

Author, Artist, & Photographer: David Michaelson was the Community Artisan in The Art Room - on February 8, 2014. Dave displayed his books, wooden toys, and framed B&W photos of Lincoln and surrounding counties including some guildings that are no longer standing! His photos are still available for viewing on The Art Room walls. David's books are available on



Santa Visit - Saturday, December 7

Santa and one of his elves arrived at the Harrington Opera House on one of the coldest days of the year. Many children and their parents braved the freezing weather to visit with Santa and have their photos taken. Thanks to Dave Nighswonger (aka Santa) Lanessa Simmons (Elf) and others who assisted with the event.


Coulee Community Choir Concert PosterCoulee Community Choir Concert: Christmas Wish
Sunday, December 8, 2013

The Coulee Community Choir, a group of about 20 people from 5 different small towns in our area presented a beautiful concert of joyful Christmas music on the afternoon of Sunday, December 8th. The Wurlitzer piano used to accompany the chourus was generously donated to the Harrington Opera House by chorus member, Sue Shear. It will help fill the need while fundraising continues towards purchase of a Steinway grand piano.


El Katif Shrine Band at the Harrington Opera HouseEl Katif Shrine Band Concert
Under the Direction of Noble Karl Mote

A small but enthusiastic crowd enjoyed marches, show tunes, patriotic songs, old time melodies, and a humerous MC on October 20, 2013. - music for the whole family. No tickets were required, but donations (after expenses) were divided between the Harrington Opera House Elevator Fund and The Shriners Hospital for Children.

Rummage Sale

Poster - Tina Lee Turner/Fisher Gallery Show

Many collectable items from at least 2 different estates were included in the rummage sale held on Sept. 28th and Oct. 5th. A few items were "priced" but most were available for any donations. Proceeds were dedicated to the HOHS Elevator Fund.

Tina Lee Turner/Fisher Gallery Show - September 28

Lincoln County artist Tina Lee Turner/Fisher exhibited her work in The Art Room at the Harrington Opera House on the rainy Saturday of the Harrington Fall Festival. Tina’s tag line, “Your Idea Painted to Life,” gives a view to her clients' cherished and personal memories and the stories behind the paintings in her exhibit are fascinating.

She paints on many surfaces and sizes, from miniature to mural.
Examples of her mural work can be seen on a brick wall near Bassett Park in downtown Washtucna and in the H.E. Gritman Senior Center on Main Avenue in Ritzville, Wash. We were pleased that Tina was able to show some of her smaller art pieces at the Harrington Opera House. Her work has been shown in many locations including the Western Art Show in Ritzville and in the Big Red Barn near Davenport during the Vintage Harvest.


Also at the Harrington Opera House on Saturday, September 28, 2013 . . Northwest UFO Heritage - Presentation with James Clarkson & Peter Davenport - photos including No Trespassing Sign.

James E. Clarkkson, a career investigator in the legal realm and in the mysterious world of UFOs presented some of the most compelling cases he has encountered over 30 years of study. Presenters - James E. Clarkson, State Director of the Mutual UFO Network in Washington State and local Ufologist, Peter Davenport, Director of the National UFO Reporting Center are dedicated to the logical analysis of UFO reports for the benefit of everyone. MORE information.


"A Grand Interlude" September 22, 2013

"A Grand Interlude" was a delightful afternoon concert, full of folk songs, musical theater selections, familiar classical music by Chopin, Gershwin, and even some jazz! A Steinway piano,from the Steinway Gallery of Spokane, was featured as a solo instrument (pianists Rebecca Hardy and Riley Gray) and as the accompaniment to vocal works performed by Stephen Hardy and Dr. Randel Wagner and The Bella Noctis Trio with Emma Mortensen, violin; Mikaela Elms, cello and Rebecca Hardy, piano. Stephen Hardy showed his virtuosity by playing saxophone in a duet with Riley at the piano.



Nona Hengen returned to the Harrington Opera House
on June 15, 2013

Hengen/Wolfrum artistry displayed at Dr. Hengen’s book review.

Dr. Nona Hengen presented interesting background for her popular book "The Shoe Box Letters" at the Harrington Opera House on Saturday, June 15th to a small but appreciateve crowd.

A dozen paintings, exquisitely framed by John Wolfrum, also received their first public showing at this event. 

Proceeds benefited the Harrington Opera House Elevator Fund.  
Nona Hengen web site.

Sara WeaverFrom Ruby Ridge to Freedom In Forgiveness, a presentation by Sara Weaver
Saturday, June 22, 2013

This dynamic presentation was hosted by the Harringon Opera House and sponsored by and for the Harrington Ministereal Association and the Harrington Food Bank.

The evening included the "Aftermath Video" by William Shatner (as seen on the Biography Channel.) Sara Weaver explained her perspective and growth since the horrific Ruby Ridge incident.

Donatations benefitted the Food Bank and the HOHS. Sara's website

Harrington Opera House Piano Student Recital
Wednesday, May 15, 2013 - 6:30 pm

Friends and supporters of Harrington Opera House Piano and Art students were treated to a recital and reception in th Harrington Opera House auditorium on May 15, 2013. HOHS volunteer Billie Herron has been providing Wednesday afternoon lessons in The Art Room of the Opera House with all proceeds donated back to the Harrington Opera House. During the afternoon piano lesson time, quiet arts & crafts projects have also been offered by HOHS volunteers Carol Giles and Amy Yirak.

Chase Concert

A full house enjoyed the down-home country sound of Chase and 2 opening songs by Harrington's Ellie Hedreen on Sature, May 11, 2013. Check out Chase's website and his sound clips.

Harrington School Concert - April 23, 2013

The Harrington School bands, under the direction of Dave Nighswonger, performed their Spring Concert to a packed house on Tuesday, April 23rd.

Harrington Community Day - April 27thLeslie LePere Art Show Poster


The Stitchn' Chicks brought their Quilt Show back to the Opera House this year. It was a glorious display - filling the entire auditorium and lobby with beautiful fabric arts. Proceeds from this year's raffle quilt will go to the Harrington Opera House elevator fund.

Art Show - Artist, Leslie LePere, exhibited some of his work in the Harrington Opera House Art Room on April 27th. Described as a gentleman farmer and artist extraorinaire, he grew up nearHarringon and returned to his farm in 1981 after spending 8 years as a grahpic artist in Seattle. Known for his colorful cover art for author Tom Robbin's books, he continues to spend his non-farming time creating detailed images for event posters and business graphics. Over 100 people stopped in to view his work on the 27th.



The Pages of Harmony Barbershop Chorus - April 20, 2013

The Pages of Harmony, Spokane's Men's Barbershop Chorus celebrated
the Diamond (75th) Anniversary of the Barbershop Men's Chorus Association at the Harrington Opera House with a wonderful evening of music and entertainment!

In this third visit to the Harrington Opera House they created a mini-musical, "The Barbershop Radio Hour," to tell the story of the founding and history of the Barbershop Chorus organization. Photos comPages of Harmony - Diamond Aniversary - April 20, 2013 Concer Postering soon!




Santa waves from back of fire truck in front of Harrington Opera HouseSanta Visit

Santa visited the Harrington Opera House on December 1st. Art projects for kids were availabe in The Art Room.

Santa on back of fire truck in front of the Opera House

Click on photos above for large view.

"Talk & Tunes" - Was A Memorable Evening of Music, Instruments & Stories
with Grammy Award Winner, Nancy Rumbel Ocarinas & other wind intruments

Tuesday, Oct 16 @ 7pm  in the Lobby of the Harrington Opera House
$15 Admission (Ocarinas will also be available for $15)  

On October 16, 2012, Nancy, well known for her music with Tingstad & Rumbel, shared the history and use of many of her interesting handmade ocarinas and a few other unique instruments from around the world.  She demonstrated and explained how she wrote and used the ocarina tor the BirdNote theme music heard on KIBX, KPBX, and KYRS.

Pam Stark with blue wrap
Record Player

"Never Little Miss Nothin' "
Pam Stark - One-woman show
Actress, Pam Stark (Former KHQ-TV news anchor) took a small but appreciative audience down memory lane with her one woman show at the Harrington Opera House on October 12, 2012. Her narrative about "growing up in the projects of Detroit in the '60s" was both poignant and humorous. While few, if any of the audience members knew what it was like to grow up in Detroit, many remembered 45 rpm, vinyl albums and "the twist", which for those who were too young to remember, Pam performed supremely! Her story, told from the point of view of a pre-teen, was both innocent and worldly at the same time. A world where the community on one hand helped shelter and raise the youth and on the other where the adults were caught up in either trying to preserve or change the barriers between poverty, privilege, race and ethnicity. Playing real 45 records and albums on her vintage looking record player, and using just a few simple props, Pam kept it all very light, instigating many laughs with her descriptions of adolescent perceptions of what "would be cool" and what activities, often taken for granted by those with more means in those days, were real treats for her and her friends.

With all of our Harrington Opera House performances, sharing refreshments and visiting with each other and the performer(s) are part of the event. This was no exception and many continued tripping down memory lane, recounting music, TV shows, hairdos, clothes, attitudes and more from our growing up years - no matter how recent, how long ago, where in the country, or what economic status, Pam Stark's one-woman show helped us to connect with and share our memories.

"Are Alone in the Universe"?    Presentation by Peter Davenport
of The National UFO Reporting Center -

Peter Davenport with satellite and space backgroundOnce again Mr. Davenport capitivated the audience on Saturday, October 6, 2012 with his presentation focusing on several of the most dramatic, and most well-documented, cases that have been submitted to the UFO Center during Peter’s tenure as Director, to include:

  • Evidence suggesting that the UFO phenomenon is not something new.
  • Video and audio “clips” of what witnesses have seen, or have had to say, regarding their recent sightings of suspected UFOs.
  • Cases in which physical evidence has been left, as the result of a suspected UFO event.

The lecture is was jointly sponsored by both the Harrington Opera House Society, and the LincolnCounty ARES/RACES “ham radio” Repeater Group.  The latter provides emergency radio communications to the residents of LincolnCounty, working in co-operation  with the LincolnCounty Sheriff’s Office. 


Open House
Several visitors stopped in for a tour of the lobby and auditorium on Saturday morning, September 22nd as part of the Harrington Fall Festival Activities.

The Needhams in Concert
The Harrington Nazarene church is sponsored a free concert by the Needhams for the 2nd year in a row on September 21, 2012. An audience of about 40 people enjoyed the terrific Christian family group with a great Southern Gospel/Southern Rock sound!

A Grand Interlude

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Scenes from the Concert

An enthusiastic audience had a grand time at the concert of solo piano music, duets, and vocal selections at the Harrington Opera House featuring a 9' grand piano loaned by the Steinway Piano Gallery of Spokane. A local Brass Quartet (Loren Rux, Steve Brewster, Dave Nighswonger and Rob Harper) provided music as the audience settled in. Performers for the main event were Rebecca Hardy, piano; Dr. Jody Graves, piano; Dr. Randel Wagner, baritone; and Stephen Hardy, baritone. Refreshments were provided by the Harrington Opera House Society. Donations for attendance initiated the beginning of targeted fundraising to purchase a concert-grade piano for the Opera House.

The 9' Grand Piano arrives! On loan for the concert
courtesy - Steinway Gallery of Spokane.

Support for the project was provided by Carpenter, McGuire & DeWulf, P.S. Attorneys at Law; Davenport Family Dentistry - Dr. David Turner; Davenport Family Foods; Davenport Good Neighbor Pharmacy; Eastern Washington University, Hernas Dental, Leffel, Otis & Warwick, P.S. - Certified Public Accountants; Lincoln Health Mart. Pharmacy; The National UFO Reporting Center; Odessa Union Elevators, Peak Fitness - Michael Van Pevenage, and RPT; Scott's Tire Service. will be bringing a out for this event.





Dog Wash & More
Was held on Saturday, August 18th. In addition to several friendly canines, several dusty cars were washed for the cause! Donations went to the HOHS Elevator Fund. Thanks to all who participated!

Humanities Washington Program by Jim Kershner well attended
Jim Kershner, whose recent article in the Spokesman Review featured the Harrington Opera House, presented a Humanities Washington program entitled “Two Extraordinary Lives in the Inland Northwest: Carl Maxey and Chief Moses" Friday, July 13 at 7 p.m. in the Opera House auditorium. 

Kim Kershner greeting guests at the Harrington Opera House  Jim Kershner presenting at the Harrington Opera House
Humanities WA LogoAbout the Humanities Washington’s Speakers Bureau
The Speaker’s Bureau brings Washington’s finest scholars,
authors, musicians and storytellers to communities for engaging free & public presentations.  For more information visit

Jim Kershner Visit and Article

Jim Kershner with Harrington Opera House Society members in Harrington, WA
Jim Kershner in the Harrington Opera House with left to right: Linda Wagner, Carol Kershner, Jim Kershner, Gordon Herron, & Billie Herron.



Jim Kershner and Spokesman Review photographer Dan Pelle visited the Harrington Opera House on June 6th. The resulting article appeared in the Spokesman Reveiw on June 24, 2012. Article in the Spokesman Review







Piano Recital
Harrington Opera House piano students, taught by Billie Herron, gave a recital in the auditorium on Sunday, May 6th. The youngsters proudly performed music to showcase what they learned since beginning lessons at the Harrington Opera House last October. Additionally, the students shared some of the art work they completed during "Piano Lesson Day Arts & Crafts" led by HOHS members Carol Giles, and Amy Yirak. Click HERE for link to KHQ video story on Billie Herron's HOHS piano lessons which aired on Saturday, April 7th.

The Coulee Community Choir
The Coulee Community Choir presented a beautiful concert of hymns and praise to a full house at the Harrington Opera House on April 29th. The choir members are all ages; young and old.  Most are also sing in various church choirs from around the area. The Choir generously gave all donations to the Harrington Opera House rehabilitation funds.

Quilt Show - April 28th
at the Harrington Opera House

An amazing number of quilts and needlework items were displayed by members of the Stitchin' Chicks quilt club at the Opera House during Harrington Community Day on April 28th. Donations from quilt show visitors went toward the Harrington Chamber of Commerce Harrington Park Restroom Project. Visit for more!

Other Events at the Opera House on April 28th
The Art Room was open during the day - with "yard sale" items offered for sale and craft activities available for children.

At 7:00 pm, the Christian Heritage School Piano Recital was held in th auditorium. Eight of Billie Herron's Christian Heritage School piano students shared pieces demonstrating the musical skills they have developed during the past school year.

"Three in a Row - a Game Show "
Saturday, April 21, 2012 - 7:00 pm
Ritzville Community Theatre (RCT) provided a fun, entertaining, and educational evening to a small but enthusiastic audience on April 21, 2012. Their original production "Three in a Row" is based on the popular Hollywood Squares TV game show. Written by Ritzville's Miles Athey and Harry Schafer, & directed by Harry Schafer, the
M.C. chose 2 contestants at a time from willing audience members. After a contestant selected from among the seven “stars” on stage, the MC posed a "Trivial Pursuit" type question. The selected “star,” in his or her character, quipped on the topic and then answered the question. The audience contestant then had to decide if the "Star's" answer was true of false. The first of the two contestants to have three correct answers won the round. The eight contestants who played along each received one of the prizes donated by Ritzville Drug, Sa.HAIR.a Salon - Ritzville, Harrington Golf & Country Club, Odessa Grange, Odessa Drugs, Good Neighbor Pharmacy - Davenport, Davenport Building Supply, and the Harrington Opera House Society.

The Ritzville Community Theatre group generously donated ALL proceeds from the evening to the Harrington Opera House, even returning the modest expense check they had been offered. The MC also donated his honorarium from RCT to the Harrington Opera House. Additional support for the production was provided by The Lincoln Advertiser, The Odessa Record, and the Ritzville Journal.

Tingstad & Rumbel Celebrated St. Patrick's Day at the
Harrington Opera House

Many new faces were in the audience of over 80 people to listen to the incredible guitar and woodwind duo Tingstad & Rumbel on March 17, 2012. Those who also attended their November 4, 2011 concert were treated to some "new" tunes including some Irish classics and medleys and pieces from Eric Tingstad's new Badlands CD. They also played some of the more popular pieces including San Antonio Rose and their original Medicine Tree. Visit their web site

Larry & Susan Weil Presentation
Sunday, March 18, 2012 - 4:00 pm
Larry & Susan Weil serve as missionaries in Mozambique Africa with One Mission Society. They serve as co-directors of CAM (Christian Academy in Mozambique) a Christian American K-12 school for missionary children, those in ministry and for families wishing a Christian American curriculum. Larry is an alum of the Harrington School.2011

Harrington School Band Concert
The Harrington School bands and choirs (Grade School through High School) played to a packed, standing room only audiance on December 19th! Thank you to all who support our local youth musicians and the Harrington Opera House rehabilitation funds.

Santa Visit!

Santa visited the Harrington Opera House on Saturday, December 3rd! Christmas arts projects were available for kids in the Art Room while waiting for theri turn to visit with Santa.


"A Little Taste of Christmas" -
Benefit Dance Recital performed by
The Davenport Dance Academy

We had a full house for the dance review featuring 50 students from He Davenport Dance Academy on the evening of December 3rd. It was a wonderul showcase of the budding talent of youth dancers from throughout Lincoln County. Many thanks to Kelly Hensley, her assistants and students for this Harrington Opera House Benefit performance!


Tingstad & Rumbel
Performed November 4, 2011 in the Harrington Opera House!

Nancy Rumbel, AJ Floyd, and Eric Tingstad at the Harrington Opera House






Special Usher, AJ, announces prize winners
at the Tingstad & Rumbel Concert

Eric Tingstad and Nancy Rumbel played to an enthusiastic crowd in the Harrington Opera House on Nobember 4, 1011.

We were honored to host this amazing guitar & woodwing playing duo.
Some of their accomplishments:

  • 2007 Grammy Nomination for "Southwest"
  • 2003 Grammy Award for "Acoustic Garden"
  • 2000 Carnegie Hall performance
  • 1998 NAV Award (Acoustic Album of the Year)
  • #1 debuts at radio (American Acoustic, Pastorale)
  • 1999 Top New Age Holiday Classices (The Gift)

Over the Rainbow
(Tingstad and Rumbel)

MP3 short clip, hi-fi play (broadband)
from the CD "A Moment's Peace"

San Antonio Rose
(Tingstad and Rumbel)

MP3 short clip, hi-fi play (broadband

The Soda Creek 3

The Soda Creek 3 folk trio returned to perform at the Harrington Opera House, on Friday, September 23, 2011. This year, Paul Deuber joined Jack Harroun and Stan Timperley to provide a wonderful evening full of great folk tunes and humor.

Soda Creek 3 on the Harrington Opera House Stage
Click for more photos

Also on Friday, September 23rd, Templin's Country Corner catered a
Gourmet "Old World" Spaghetti Dinner FUNDRAISER
for the Harrington Opera House
at the Harrington Memorial Hall (accross the street from the Opera House). Thanks to generous donations of food, and labor, the dinner was a success and raised approximately $580! Thanks to all who helped, attended, and supported!

Open House - Meet & Greet

Was held 9:00 am to Noon - prior to and immediately following the Fall Festival Parade on Saturday, September 24th. Quite a few people stopped by for a tour or refreshments including people "just passing through Harrington" took time to stop and visit. Several young folk also enjoyed the arts & craft activities in The Art Room.

Lasso Our Heritage: Cowboys and Cowgirls in Story and Song

Susan & Bruce Matley aka Cimarron Sue & Nevad Slim at the Harrington Opera House Susan Matley aka Cimarron Sue at the Harrington Opera House Bruce Matley aka Nevada Slim at the Harrington Opera House Susan & Bruce Matley aka Cimarron Sue & Nevad Slim at the Harrington Opera House Susan & Bruce Matley aka Cimarron Sue & Nevad Slim at the Harrington Opera House

FREE program was held at the Harrington Opera House Auditiorum
Friday, September 16, 2011 - 7:00 PM

Contemporary life in the American west is profoundly influenced by our rich heritage in the legend and lore of the early cowboys and cowgirls. In song, poetry, and story, this colorful program relates expressions of the work ethic, hardships, and joys of frontier life. These traditions continue and are strong and vibrant in present day agricultural life. Bruce & Susan Matley brought the vibrancy of this tradition to life with a musical and poetic presentation. This program was made possible by Humanities Washington. Also, the Ritzville Friends of the Library collaborated to help bring this program to the area. It was a small audience, but those who were there were totally engaged and captivated by the music, history, and presentation.
More Information on this program
      Bruce & Susan as Nevada Slim & Cimarron Sue

Humanities WA LogoAbout the Humanities Washington’s Speakers Bureau
The Speaker’s Bureau brings Washington’s finest scholars,
authors, musicians and storytellers to communities for engaging free & public presentations.  For more information visit


The Ryan Larsen Band

The Ryan Larsen Band played Country and Country Rock music for a small but enthusiastic crowd on Saturday, September 10th at the Opera House. The Band members really seemed to enjoy the venue and connected with the audience from the very first numbers, keeping the energy going for the whole evening. Awsemoe musicians, awesome performers! Visit their Official Website or find them on Facebook

Ryan Larsen Band in the Harrington Opera House Ryan Larsen Band at the Harrington Opra House
Ryan Larsen Band at the Harrington Opera House Dancing to the Ryan Larsen Band at the Harrington Opera House

Historic Preservation Presentation

Kristen Griffin,  Historic Preservation Officer for the City and County of Spokane, Gary Lauerman board member of the Spokane Preservation Advocates, and Jim Kolva, a land use and historic preservation consultant provided an informative and interesting presentation to a small but enthusiastic audience at the Harrington Opera House on August 20th. The presentation, sponsored by the Harrington Historic Preservation Commission (HHPC) was FREE and open to the public. After the powerpoint presentation and question and answer session in the Opera House auditorium, Jim Kolva narrated a short tour of some of Harrington's downtown historic buildings. He described original uses and architectural features of many of the buildings and explained the value for the owners and the community of returning some of the buildings to their original look. Jim is willing to provide suggestions for options to consider when modifying, rehabilitating, or restoring Harrington's historic buildings and homes to help preserve Harrington's historic character. Harrington's relatively intact early 19th century downtown 3 block area is an economic development asset and potential attraction for new businesses and residents. For more information contact HHPC members Karen Allen at 509-244-5995 or Margie Hall 725-1170.

Artist, Charlotte Schacher

Charlotte Schacher is a well known artist and an admired art instructor in the Lewiston-Clarks ton Valley gave her third art workshop in the Harrington Opera House "Art Room" on May 13th & 14th. Seven students enjoyed the landscape in oils class. Charlotte brought a finished landscape painting and then worked through the steps to create it with the class. It was amazing how unique each student's painting turned out, even though working from the same scene. Charlotte agreed to return in the fall if a class of at least 6 students could be guaranteed.

Those interested in future art classes, please contact us at 253-4719 or infoat for more information.

Charlotte's Elkhorn Gallery Website      Youtube video of some of Charlotte's work

"Ride Along the Oregon Trail
with 'Aunt Phoebe' Judson."

A FREE Humanities Washington sponsored program by Mary Michaelson was held at the Harrington Opera House on Friday, evening, May 13, 2011.

Mary Michaelson is the sole proprietor of “Aunt Phoebe’s Corner,” a company which conducts historical research about Phoebe Goodell Judson and other pioneers in the Pacific northwest, as well as other related subjects. She gave a very interesting slide presentation focusing on the trials & tribulations of getting and staying with a wagon train. 

Humanities WA LogoAbout the Humanities Washington’s Speakers Bureau
The Speaker’s Bureau brings Washington’s finest scholars,
authors, musicians and storytellers to communities for engaging free & public presentations.  For more information visit


Panhandle Polecats

There was a good turn-out for the energetic bluegrass music provided by the Panhandle Polecats on Saturday, April 30, 2011.

They lived up to their reputation!

The Panhandle Polecats are top performers in the Inland Northwest Bluegrass scene. The lightning picking, tight vocals and infectious stage presence of these five siblings have won them a devoted following throughout the region.
Concert Poster     Panhandle Polecats Tri-fold Promotional Flyer

Check them out at


Handful of Luvin'

A small but enthusiastic crowd enjoyed the "fiddle driven roots rock" quartet from Seattle. Their sound is described as a cheerful blend of folk-rock, reggae and world rhythms, and Celtic influences with catchy pop hooks. Handful of Luvin' was voted top 5 local band of Western WA 3 yrs in  a row through King 5 tv station.

Click here for a link to their music and more

Click on pictures above for large view.

The HOHS Annual Meeting
Attendees of the January 10, 2011 meeting at the Harrington City Hall, enjoyed delicious refreshments during the presentation of the Annual Report accompanied by Power Point slides. A short business meeting followed the report presentation.
Report (Word)   Report (PDF)    Power Point (Click to advance slides)

2010 Photo Page (PDF)

All Welcome to attend the next Harrington Opera House Meeting:
Monday, February 7, 2011 at 7:00 p.m.
Minutes and More on Meetings

2010 Events

Harrington Grade Schoo Concert

Harrington Grade School Concert - 12-14-2010

Harrington H.S. Band Concert

Harrington High School Band Concert - 12-20-2010


visited the Opera House
Saturday, December 11, 2010

Santa and HOHS Volunteers in the HOHS lobby

Santa and his Helpers. Click photo for larger view.

Bronn & Katherine Journey returned to the Harrington Opera House!

Bronn & Katherine Journey in the Harrington Opera House
Bronn & Katherine Journey in the Harrington Opera House -
Oct. 14, 2010. Click on picture for larger view

Thursday, October 14, 2010
7:00 p.m.

Bronn and Katherine Journey returned to the Harrington Opera House on Thursday, October 14, 2010. The audience thoroughly enjoyed the performance, including Bronn's humorous quips, his virtuosity on the harp, and Katherine's exquisite voice. Selections included some Broadway tunes, some movie and TV themes, some classical, and some folk tunes. They usually include a little bit of "music education" and this time was no exception as they shared some beautiful Welsh tunes and background information.

This was the first audience to see the newly installed ceiling in
the auditorium.

Building Rehabilitation Update

October 31, 2010 - The floors have been leveled, and ceiling in the lobby and auditorium us up!!! New wall sconces have been added to the auditorium walls. Also, exterior wood trim work is being repainted! Photos coming soon!


Help Restore Part of Harrington's History!

Recently, much of the original equipment from the Harrington Palm Barber Shop was discovered for sale on the Internet. The items, dating from the early 1900's, were quite "pricey" and beyond the Opera House's budget. Rather than risk losing these historical items for all time, arrangements were made to acquire them.

Click HERE for a list of the items and how you can help the Harrington Opera House keep a part of Harrington's History available for public display.


Prestentation on the Channeled Scablands and "Bretz's Flood"

A Presentation and book signing by John Soennichsen, Cheney author, was held in the auditorium of the Harrington Opera House on Friday evening, September 24th. The audience was not large in size, but all seemed to enjoy the interesting slide show and explanation of how geologist, Bretz, preserve red to convince the scientific community and the public that these unique channels were formed by cataclysmic flood rather than over eons of glaciation.

Author: Kathy (Thiemens) Walker

Kathy (Thiemens) Walker, author of The Loving Family Tree, appeared at the Harrington Opera House on Saturday, Sept. 25th from 10:00 a.m. to Noon. Kathy,a 1971 graduate of Harrington High School, shared her childrens book, a true story of childhood memories. A portion of the book sales were donated to the HOHS.

Inland Northwest Community Foundation Logo

     Grant Received!



Gordon & Billie Herron at INCF Annual Reception


The Harrington Opera House Society recently received a grant of $18,000 from Inland Northwest Community Foundation in Spokane.  It is a grant from the Community Strategies Grant Program and is for the sheeting and insulating of the Auditorium and Lobby ceiling areas. This is an important step towards being able to heat and eventually air condition more efficiently.

The Opera House Society was honored, with other grant recipients at the Foundation's Annual reception at the Davenport Hotel in the Grand Pennington Ballroom on June 10, 2010. Over $800,000 was distributed for the fiscal year 2010 from this grant program.  The Inland Northwest
Community Foundation is celebrating it's 35 years as a community philanthropy organization.  This is the second grant awarded the Opera  House from this organization.  The first was for the building of the new stair case in 2007 for $29,000.00.

Doggie Days

The 2nd Annual Doggie Days on 21st. was a success. Several dogs received baths, grooming, and pedicures while a few owners visited the museum and Art Room. The day generated over $100 in donations.

Art Workshop!
Seven students enjoyed the Charlotte Schacher landscape painting workshop - June 25 - 25, 2010 in "The Art Room" of the Harrington Oera House. All would like to schedule another workshop later this summer or in the fall.

Harrington School Band Concert

Director, Monte Swenson, led our Harrington youth musicians in an outstanding performance in the Opera House auditorium on April 19, 2010. The concert included selections played by the Fifth Grade Band, the Middle Schoole Band, The High School Band, and the "Combined Band" (Middle & High School.)

Click photos for larger view

donations for band fund

Audience at Harrington Band Concert

Attendance by dontation to Band Trip Fund The Bands played to a full house!

Tapestry Women's Choir, based in Colfax and
Bel Canto of Yakima
BelCanto & Tapestry Choral Groups on stage
filled the historic Harrington Opera House with beautiful music on April 17, 2010.
Jayne (Ottmar) Beauchene, a 1965 graduate of Harrington High School and current member of the
Bel Canto chorus, instigated bringing both choruses together for a wonderful afternoon of song and fellowship to benefit Harrington Opera House rehabilitation projects.

Click on photo for larger view. More photos soon.

Destination for Tour Groups

Inland Empire Tours brought a group of 11to visit the Harrington Opera House on April 11th. The tourists, originating from Spokane, were also treated to visits to local gardens, arranged by Harrington Opera House volunteer, Ed Haugan. The tour guide was very impressed with both the historic Opera House & Bank Block Building and the yard/gardens and plans to arrange another tour in the summer.

Wedding photogrphy in front of H. Opera HouseWedding at the Opera House!

On Saturday, March 20, 2010, Jordan Wagner and Heather Yirak celebrated their wedding in the historic Harrington Opera House.

Click on
Britton Photography -Heather & Jordan Wedding Link
for beautiful photos of event.

A few "non-professional" photos (Click on photos for larger view)



Harrington Opera House Lobby

Billie & Eilleen

Harrington Opera House auditorium for wedding

Heather & Jordan in H. Opera House Lobby

Wagner Wedding in Harrington Opera House




Wedding Car from window



Building Update

Recent work included replacing the curtain covering the "Box Office" in the lobby with sheet rock. Eventually, wainscoting may be added to the bottom portion of the wall, replicating the historical decorative styling from the Opera House auditorium.

painting new sheet rock in HOHS Clint D working in HOHS lobby
Clint Dinwiddie working on "Box Office"
Click for larger & more views

HOHS featured on Cathy McMorris Rodgers August 2009 Web Page

FaceBook Logo Become a Fan!
  Visit our new FaceBook page & invite others to become a fan!

The Annual Meeting
on January 11, 2010 was well attended. Gordon Herron, President, presented the 2009 Annual Report. Word Document   PDF accompanied by PowerPoint slides.

The February meeting was also well attended, and the next meeting is Monday, March 1, 2010 - 7:00 p.m. in the Opera House or Harrington City Hall, depending on weather.
New members welcome! Click HERE for more

Grant Received!
OnMonday, December 7, 2009, the Lincoln County Commissioners awarded the Harrington Opera House Society with a grant of $9,000 which will go towards installation of lighting in the Opera House auditorium and stairways.

2009 Events

Santa & Elf arrives in Harrington WA on fire truck.


Santa & one of his elves
arrives at the
Harrington Opera House
& Bank Block Building on
December 5, 2009

Santa & Elf arrive at Harrington Opera House

First Visit with Santa!


First Visit with Santa!

. . . and he's been a very
       good boy!


    December 5, 2009


Also on December 5th -

the Harrington Opera House


Opened with orginals and prints by
Charlotte Schacher
and prints by Doolittle, Bateman,
Seerey-Lester, and
Ed Tussey offered for viewing & sale!

Hot Chocolate & Coloring Activities for kids.

Harrington Opera House Art Room

Harrington School Band on the Harrington Opera House Stage

Harrington School Bands
play to a full house on
November 24, 2009

Thank You

Peter Davenport

for another interesting presentation on

UFOs and the National UFO Reporting Center

Proceeds from the

The October 30th evening
benifitted the Harrington Opera House Renovation Funds

Soda Creek 3 Folk Trio - Harrington Opera House Stage Click photos for larger view

Soda Creek 3 Folk Trio in Harrington Opera House

The Soda Creek 3 (Formerly known asThe Fourth Grade Choir)with Jack  Harroun, Stan Timperley, and Chuck Balkwill, perform at the Harrington Opera House on September 25, 2009.

A wonderful evening full of great folk tunes and humor. The trio donated all proceeds to the Harrington Opera House!

They also played in the park the next day during the Harrington Fall Festival BBQ.

Historical Group Visit
On Tuesday, September 1st., Evelyn Fricke, who used to live in Harrington, and a group of people from the Rockford Historical Society toured the Opera House.  Local soprano, Eileen Paulson, performed a few vocal numbers to demonstrate the amazing acoustics of Opera House auditorium.

Toweling wet dog
Dog Days of Summer
Dog Wash & "Yard Sale"

August 15, 2009
Elevator Fundraiser

Harrington Opera House Dog Wash Fund Raiser
2 Dogs
Dog grooming

Cathy McMorris Rodgers signs the Harrington Opera House Guest Book

Photo by Karen Allen

On Friday, August 14, 2009,
The Harrington Opera House Society

Representative Cathy McMorris Rodgers

Cathy McMorris Rodgers on Harrington Opera House Stage

Photo by Peter Davenport

to the
Opera House & Bank Block Building

Left: Cathy McMorris Rodgers signs the Opera House Guest Book

Right: Volunteers and Cathy McMorris Rodgers on
Harrington Opera House Stage.
Left to right: Wanda Budrius, Cathy, and Carol Giles

Tea Time at the Harrington Opera House Afternoon Tea
Presentation and Book Signing
by Author/Artist
Nona Hengen
was held in the
Harrington Opera House
July 18, 2009
Nona Hengen signing books

Article by Karen Allen
Published in August-Septmber issue of Wheat Life Magazine

More about Nona at:

Thanks to Alan Whitman and Washington Window & Door in the Spokane Valley
for the donation of the replacement window in the South wall of the lobby!
And thanks to Alan & Ed Haugan for the installation!

Thank you to
Spokane's Pages of Harmony!
"Broadway, Barbershop Style" on June 20th was a wonderful evening.

Pages of Harmony on Harrington Opera House Stage
Pages of Harmony on Harrington Opera House Stage
Click for larger view


The Harrington Opera House
A shining star in the heart of Lincoln County

Click HERE for article by Karen Allen,
printed with permission from the May 2009 issue of Wheat Life,
the official publication of Washington Association of Wheat Growers.

Harrington Opera House Tile Project
Recent Grants Received

4,500 from U.S. Bank

$2,500 from the Avista Foundation
to be applied to our lobby & auditorium heating projects.

Thanks to Billie Herron for writing the grants and
to Avista & US Bank for their support!

 Wanda Buddrius helps with the bathroom tile project


Two Day Oil Painting Workshop
with Charlotte Schacher
May 15-16

Charlotte Schacher is a well known artist and an admired art instructor in the Lewiston-Clarkston Valley. Along with wildlife paintings, she paints portraits and a wide variety of custom paintings.  Her work has earned her numerous awards and has been featured in private galleries in the Pacific Northwest.

Charlotte Schacher teaching oil painting class
Charlotte Schacher (left) gives student, Renea Larmer, some oil painting pointers.
U.S. Bank managers observe progress.
Students in Charlotte Schacher Oil Paininting Class
Wanda Buddrius, U.S. Bank Manager, Harrington Branch,
checks out class progress on Friday, May 15th in the Harrington Opera House "Arts Room."


Deb Hendrickson posing with Charlotte Schacher Paintings

Debra Hendrickson, 2009 Harringon Opera House Events Chair, posing with some of Charlotte Schacher's paintings in the lobby of the Harrington Opera House.



Click photo for high resolution file



The Harrington School Bands & Chorus
under the direction of Monte Swenson
entertained a full house on Thursday, April 16, 2009

Click Photos for larger view

Harrington 5th Grade Band        Harrington School Chorus

Harrington School Combined Bands          Harrington School Band & Chorus Members

On Saturday, March 21, 2009

Peter Davenport

Gave a GREAT Presentation

on UFOs and the National UFO Reporting Center

A fascinating evening in
support of the Harrington Opera House!

Thank you Peter, and ALL who attended
GREAT turn-out!
Watch for story in The Inlander

Harrington Opera House Annual Report

December 31, 2008

Davenport Theatrical's Way Off Broadway Revue Logo

was a Crowd Pleaser in the Harrington Opera House on Feb. 22nd!!
Thanks to the joint efforts of the Harrington Opera House Society and Davenport Theatrical the audience enjoyed a great show of music, comedy, and a little bit of choreography. Davenport Theatrical brought in professional lighting and sound system to help "set the stage" in the historic old auditorium.

Bronn Journey Concert
IN The Harrington Opera House!

What an incredible event and performance by Bronn & Katherine Journey ! And, what a great way to reopen the Harrington Opera House after 10 years of bringing the old gal up to code. Many thanks to all the supporters who made this reopening possible. And to Bronn & Katherine Journey for making a special effort to include the Harrington Opera House in their solid schedule of performances for the Christmas season.

Bronn not only coaxed his harp to sound like a whole orchestra, but his sense of humor and his awareness of his audience was so entertaining that even spouses who were "drug" to the concert found themselves enjoying the performance. And Katherine's exquisite voice was purely joyful to behold.

Their selections ranged from Broadway to Celtic and Christmas, with snippets of Johnny Cash and even a Bronn Journey original, "Ode to My 401 K", thrown in to the obvious appreciation of our mostly rural crowd. And speaking of the crowd - the room was packed to capacity with Eastern WA folk as well as groups that traveled from Montana, Oregon, and Seattle! Quite a draw to this little town of Harrington!

And thanks to all the people who were ready to pitch in and help at a moment's notice when the night before the performance we had a false fire alarm! An alert Harrington citizen noticed "smoke" coming from the Opera House roof and saw an orange glow through the auditorium windows. Turns out, it was one of the first nights for our newly installed heating system. There was a bonfire on a hill outside of town that was positioned at just the right angle to reflect off of the windows. With the smoke/steam and the fiery glow, a 911 call set off a flurry of activity and an outpouring of instant support. What a scary way to discover how many people treasure our efforts to resurrect this grand old building and monument to our cultural heritage.

We still have a long way to go and major funding is still needed to renovate the auditorium and stage. Now that we have the required bathrooms, electrical service, heat, and the beautiful 2nd staircase, we can begin to use the building for concerts, art shows, dances, weddings, receptions, etc. Still rustic, with her history showing, the bare bricks, flaking plaster, and open rafters, are both reminders of her rich past and the amount of work that lies ahead.


Harrington Opera House Building at Dusk

The HOHS at dusk the week before the Bronn Journey Concert held on December 6, 2008

Presentation for Senator Morton - Sept. 2008 (PDF)
Good overview of the history of the Bank Block Building
and goals of the Harrington Opera House Society

Annual Report -
For an overview of HOHS activities in 2007, read the 2007 Annual Report.
                            Word Version     PDF Version

The Lincoln County Economic Development Council (EDC) Annual Meeting, "Evening for the Arts,"
Sponsored by Lincoln Co. EDC & Century Tel on March 27th, was a gala evening. Held in the Harrington Memorial Hall, attendees enjoyed a sumptuous dinner hosted by the Harrington Opera House Society. Visual arts exhibited included the works of Joseph Goldberg, Jim Bauer, Edward Haugan, and Les Lepere. Pam Kelley, EDC Director, facilitated the evening with mini-presentations by sponsors and spokespersons for PDA projects throughout Lincoln County. Eileen Paulson, accompanied by Sara Jane Johnson on piano, provided interludes of music with Eileen giving an encore from the stage of the Harrington Opera House at the end of the evening.

HOHS members did a great job planning, cooking, and serving the meal which received numerous well-earned compliments. Thanks to HOHS volunteer efforts, the upstairs auditorium was equipped with temporary lighting so that the EDC meeting guests could experience the amazing acoustics while enjoying Eileen's encore musical numbers. Visit the Lincoln County EDC News page for a few photos. More photos coming soon.

Harrington Opera House Society Awarded Grant

Excerpt from Davenport Times, 1/10/08
The Lincoln County commissioners agreed to help fund five local projects recommended by the local Economic Development Council.

Grants were awarded to . . . (and to the) Harrington Opera House Society - $12, 150 to complete renovation of
the lobby area.

1/7/08 - Building Restoration Update

Temporary heat was recently set up for "work days" in the bank corner. The contractors working on the stairs need the heat to be installed in the lobby to finish woodwork. Gordon Herron is gathering bids for the heat installation.

Work was stopped after Christmas on the bathrooms. 2 more walls and ceiling joists need to go up before wallboard can be put up.

Gordon reported that some damage was done to the roof during the last wind storm and there is leaking. HOHS is looking for a contractor to repair the roof.

8/18/07 - Building Restoration Update
Remodeling of the bathroom adjacent to the dance studio on the first floor of the opera house has been completed except for painting. Labor for new sheet rock, flooring, & new toilet installation was done by Tim Hampson of Davenport Washington in conjunction with Warner Construction Co.

Mr. Mark Wetjen of Harrington, Wa. donated labor & materials to do the wiring in the bathroom and throughout the rest of the South West end of the ground floor.

Restoration of a County Landmark Takes Great Perseverance
By Megan Rieger
The dramatis personae of the Harrington, Wash., opera house still haunt the century-old stage. A chalked entry above the bathroom doorway reads, “In honor of Macer Scott, the boy who got tough with Teddy the Bear.” In the wings, the names of 12 cast members of “Why Smith Left Home” are listed.
Click HERE for More
Grants breathe new life into Opera House project
From the Davenport
February 15, 2007
Easter came early for members of the Harrington Opera House Society.
   Two grants received from the Inland Northwest Community Foundation (INCF)* and the Lincoln County Economic Development Fund (EDF) for $29,337 and $10,000, respectively, will breathe new life into the society's plans to renovate the facility so it could be ready for performances in three years.
   Society treasurer, Billie Herron, said she and her colleagues were encouraged by the grants, which will go a long way toward constructing a second entry/exit stairwell from the second floor Opera House to the downstairs area that once was the "bank" of the "Bank Block Building."
Click HERE for more

Inland Northwest Community Foundation Logo

*The Inland Northwest Community Foundation serves twenty counties throughout Eastern Washington and North Idaho. Founded in 1974, its mission is to foster vibrant and sustainable communities in the Inland Northwest.  In partnership with the donors they serve, INCF has awarded $29 million in grants and scholarships throughout the region since its inception.  These awards have enriched education, promoted arts & culture, provided critical human services, supported community and economic development and ultimately impacted thousands of lives in the Inland Northwest.
Bank Block Bulletin - January 2001
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May 8, 2001 News Article

7/26/2001 - Opera House Receives Grant!

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